Group Blog- Final Task
Hello blog. I am working with my friends. Their names are Ludji and Mai'lyia. I met Ludji last year and she is my best friend. I met Mai'lyia trough mutual friends and she's a good friend. Ever since she bought me chips I knew our friendship would last. I chose to work with them because of their drive. They are eager to do work and get work done. Every time they see me slacking, they make sure that I get back onto my work. They are also a good support system too. They check up on my mental health whenever I need it. That has really helped me throughout my school process. The also make me laugh too. I stayed with them for several reasons. I work well with them and don't get distracted. When we worked on our music video it was fun. But, we also got our work done. Also, a group member has a spacious house that we can film in. This makes it more convenient. We have more space to work with and more things that we can do in our video.
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