My group for the Music Video

 Hello blog. I am working with my friends. Their names are Ludji and Mai'lyia. I met Ludji last year and she is my best friend. I met Mai'lyia trough mutual friends and she's a good friend. Ever since she bought me chips I knew our friendship would last. I chose to work with them because of their drive. They are eager to do work and get work done. Every time they see me slacking, they make sure that I get back onto my work. They are also a good support system too. They check up on my mental health whenever I need it. That has really helped me throughout my school process. The also make me laugh too. We chose the song "Passionfruit". It was written by an artist named "Drake". We chose the song because of the beat. We liked how it sounded. We also wanted an upbeat song. We wanted a song by an artist we were all familiar with. It also doesn't have that many bad words in it. It was the top option out of all the songs we chose. I came up with the idea of using the song.


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