Fonts: For the main title of the video we will use a font called “horror” to give the title more effect and make it stand out more. We thought this font was cool and worth using because it gives the effect of a scary/eerie movie. The beginning of the letters have ink that’s like being somewhat “poured out” or “leaking” from the letter which also gives off that effect as well. The font color is also a dark black which gives scary vibes as well, given that’s it’s not a colorful or bright color.
The next font we’ll use for the sub titles such as the actors names, directors, etc. This font will be less eye catching toward the viewers because it’s just like sub headings. The main title is supposed to catch the viewer attention the most. So for the next font we’ll just use ‘This font’ for these titles. It’s not as eye catching as the first one, yet it’ll still leave the viewers curious about the actors/directors.
The color of the all the fonts will just be plain black. The color black gives off neutral/scary type of feeling. Unlike a bright red or bright yellow, it sets the mood of the story better. In many horror movies, black is always associated with horror movies since it’s the literal color of darkness, which is why I think the fonts should remain a dark black.
- Size and Purpose:
The size of the main title font will probably be really big like as in size 20 font or larger depending on what we’re using. As for the sub titles, those will obviously be smaller than the main title such as 12-15 font size to still be able to show the actors and such but to not stand out as much as the actual title. It is important for the audience to read the title more than anything. Everything is also important, but the title sets the mood and feeling for the film as well as basically summarizing it in a way.
Working Title:
I believe at this point the name of our film will be “Future Calls” it’s not set completely in stone yet but the title makes perfect sense considering what we are filming about.
How will the titles (the words) enter and leave the screen?
I believe the titles/words will leave the screen as fading in and fading out, which is typically used in a lot a film. Plus it’s a lot simpler do that instead.
How long will each title be on the screen before it disappears?
I think each title will be on the screen for about 2-3 to give the viewer enough time to read what it says, but not to much to the point it’s taking longer than it should.
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